Vodafone Iceland hacked; 70000 User Personal Information exposed

Today Vodafone Iceland was hacked by the Turkish group of hackers Maxn3y (@AgentCoOfficial) who in the past has stolen data from airports' systems, electronic giants and fast food company. 

The hackers announced via Twitter that he has successfully compromised Vodafone Iceland server and defaced the official website (Vodafone.is), including various other sub-domains including the company mobile site. 

The hackers disclosed a compressed 61.7MB rar file which is locked with password TURKISH and that contains a collection of files including one titled users.sql that appears to contain the 77,000 user accounts.  

The file includes user names, social security numbers, encrypted passwords as many other encrypted information. The portal CyberWarNews posted the list of files disclosed and provided information on their content. 

Following the complete list of files leaked: 

Multimedia database, nothing critical, 400K of user tracking and logging with user agents, refers etc. 

Sms history with what appears to be full text messages to a from numbers with timestamps, all dated
SMS logger sender id, sms id, user IP, date. 
900k rows of user contact details related to an SMS plan. 

User names, ids, encrypted passwords, email addresses, social security numbers, dates, bank details (alot is incomplete) 77,25 

Account manager's details Full names, phone numbers, email addresses. 
sms_history.sql and signup.sql explained above. 

XLS files 
kennitala (social security numbers), dates, ticket numbers, campaign ids(unknown campaign), email 
Count: 23,494 

id, code(unknown), msisdn, sms, timestamp(ts) 
Count: 1001 

Id, full name (nafn), kennitala (SSN), pnr, confirmed, date, ticket, email, senda, receiver. Count: 4305 

Id, IP addresses, user name, encrypted passwords, email addresses, first name, last name, phone, fax, Reg date, last active, user level, notes 
Count: 334 

Id, school. login. Clear text passwords, names, isadmin, active 
Count: 18 

Id, timestamp, IP, session id, social security numbers, email addresses 
Count: 1491 

Id, phone, social security numbers, email addresses, ticket id, registration status, date, IP Count: 1247 

User names, clear text passwords, names, email addresses and permissions 
Count: 12 

cart_id, names, social security numbers, postal codes, email addresses, credit card names, nulled credit card numbers and dates, sale amounts. 
Count: 3086 

Real name, email addresses, company’s, chairman name. 
Count: 31 

Id, content, date, email addresses 
Count: 1929 

usernames, clear text passwords, active, company’s, full addresses, contact numbers, websites, nulled locations. 
Count: 767 

User names, 5x full names, phone numbers, social security numbers 
Count: 71 

Names, partner countries, to Iceland (nothing important) 
Count: 10 

Session id and details encrypted, (nothing important) 
Count: 49, 468 

File name says all, nothing of importance here. shop_cart_plan File name says all, nothing of importance here.

Vodafone Iceland website was rapidly restored, but at the time I'm writing it is not reachable.

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